Mentoring For Careers in Physics (MCP) is a program offered by the William and Mary physics department to students looking to break into STEM fields. Students are paired one-on-one with a mentor from an accredited background. I have built a portal for students and mentors to interface with each other and others within the program.
Used: React, Express, MongoDB, Docker
Chris Varvaro's custom artist website. Built to the artist's specifications with an integrated contact system. Improved upon the original website by fixing formatting and performance issues.
Used: React, Netlify
A custom landing page for OneWav Music Group. Complete with a backend contact system.
Used: React, Netlify
Wanting to learn more about blockchain technologies and creating smart contracts, I built a simple application that uses ethereum contracts to manage an online store where users can post and buy products.
Used: Truffle, Ganache, Ethereum, React
One of my passions is weightlifting, however, I found it difficult to track my progress intermittently stopping to use pen and paper. Although Google Sheets was not built for this type of application, it was useful since my data could be accessed on multiple devices. Other applications suited to solve this problem had the same issue in common: they were not customizable and lacked the analytical features useful in tracking my progress. My application resolved these issues and improved the features found in other applications. I implemented a complete, secure, RESTful API in this application and used MongoDB Atlas to store user information in the cloud allowing my information to be accessed everywhere. My app has a unique frontend interface for complete control over my data.
Used: Svelte, GraphQL, MongoDB, Firebase